5G and EARTH DAY 2021: Oh turd, what is OTARD?

5G and EARTH DAY 2021: Oh turd, what is OTARD?

Own property? Live anywhere? What’s happening on the rooftop next door? Upon learning that a new 5G telecommunications antenna has been placed outside her bedroom window, Medusa Banana Veranda asks: “What is OTARD?”

Find out here: The FCC and the OTARD Rule

[kad_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXQ-K8dYyvU” width=”600″ height=”400″ maxwidth=”650″ modestbranding=”true”]

Why Worry? We’re Mammals!

And, the independent non-industry science is radically different from industry claims that 5G is “safe.”

SOURCE: https://www.naturalscience.org/news/2021/02/animals-and-plants-under-radiation-stress/#3

This is OTARD:  Over-the-Air Reception Devices Rule, Preemption of Restrictions on Placement of Direct Broadcast Satellite, Broadband Radio Service, and Television Broadcast Antennas.

Translation: No property rights, and no rights to protect health or the environment.

Sustainable Business Model? Yes! Overrun all rights!

Sustainable Species? No

Sustainable Planet? No

SOURCE: https://www.fcc.gov/media/over-air-reception-devices-rule

This is a neighbourhood near you, coming soon to a yard and rooftop near you.

SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/pittsfieldcell

This is what loss of property values and loss of human habitat looks like.

Resource: Letter to inform your neighbors of a decision by the FCC that could allow anyone to place a powerful 5G antenna on their home as a “service” to the community, bypassing all local regulations!  https://www.5gcrisis.com/toolkit


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