Aspects on the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Lennart Hardell1*, Mona Nilsson2, Tarmo Koppel3, Michael Carlberg1
1 The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Studievägen 35, SE–702 17, Örebro, Sweden
2 Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, Gredby 14, SE–178 92 Adelsö, Sweden
3 Tallinn University of Technology, SOC353 Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia
*Corresponding Author:Lennart Hardell,The Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, Studievägen 35, SE 702 17, Örebro, Sweden
Received:04 May2021; Accepted:10 May2021; Published:21May2021
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