Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), also known as Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS), Microwave Sickness, or Electro Sensitivity (ES), is a condition resulting from acute or chronic exposure to artificial electromagnetic radiation. Although all humans (as well as other living organisms) are increasingly exposed to artificial electromagnetic fields, response to, and awareness of exposures, varies greatly from person to person. Some individuals may find it difficult or nearly impossible to function in our hyper-technologized world, while others seem to feel no effects – or at least don’t attribute effects they may experience to the exposure.
As increasing distance from the source is essential to protect oneself and/or to heal, it’s important to know what the sources are for different kinds of exposures. Most technologies use a combination of different electromagnetic fields, frequencies and modulations making it difficult to ascertain what specific ones are affecting a given person with their individual sensitivity.
Following are the four types of artificial electromagnetic fields we are regularly exposed to in our daily lives:
Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation (RF/MW radiation)
RF/MW radiation, widely known as wireless radiation, is emitted from cell towers, cell phones, WiFi routers, internet connected appliances, baby monitors, smart meters, surveillance cameras, VR headsets, sensors, air pods, fitness trackers, smart watches and other “wearables”, Bluetooth, cars (manufactured after about 2012), and any other so-called “smart” device or “thing” that has a wireless transmitter.
Magnetic Fields
Magnetic fields are emitted from household appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines, from overhead electrical wires, electric or hybrid cars, household light fixtures and wiring, and basically anything else plugged into an electrical socket.
Extremely Low Frequencies
Sources of extremely low frequencies (ELF) are the same as those for magnetic fields (See No. 2).
Dirty Electricity
Dirty Electricity (DE) refers to transients or “harmonics” that travel along wiring. Sources for DE include any device that has a switching mode power supply such as a smart meter, charger for cellphones or other device, variegated speed pump, ceiling fan, and invertor for solar panel installations. In short, such appliances distort the normal flow of electricity and can generate hazardous EMF exposures.
Symptoms of EHS vary greatly from person to person and share similarities with ailments or diseases often attributed to other causes.
Symptoms can include, but are not limited to
Headache, fatigue, sleep disturbance, nausea, tinnitus, body pain, eye problems such as cataracts or light sensitivity, irritability, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, skin rash, general weakness, hair loss, difficulty concentrating, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, anxiety, and depression.
Unfortunately, government and health agencies, as well as many medical doctors, while acknowledging the symptoms of EHS, categorize these as psychosomatic and the product of irrational thinking. In so doing, they explain away symptomology and discount other possible factors such as bioeffects from EMFs. These misdiagnoses contribute to the public’s general lack of understanding and confusion about EHS, and present an added burden for EHS people in finding accommodations for living and working environments.
Some medical doctors and researchers conclude from studies that symptoms experienced by people when exposed to EMFs are a result of the nocebo effect. This conclusion may be based on the fact that not all provocation studies show detection of EMFs in double blind studies. However, this conclusion is flawed as explained in this ICBE-EMF paper.
Consider sharing the EMF Medical Conference 2021 video and webinar series (free of charge) with healthcare providers you come upon, as this may help them become more informed about EHS. Here’s the file with links to all 54 videos!
Transition your home to a quieter EMR space
Although it’s nearly impossible to remove all exposures in our current tech-on-steroids world, we can make a conscious choice to use less, and remove all unnecessary wireless devices and “things”, many of which we are not even aware of. Following are a few suggestions of ways to reduce your exposure.
- Many people neither want nor need internet of things (IoT) appliances such as ovens or lights that can be controlled remotely etc., all of which emit wireless radiation for these added features.
- WiFi routers saturate homes 24/7 with a hefty dose of wireless radiation. Consider turning the router off at night and/or when not in use. Better yet, hard wire your laptop or computer with ethernet cables and disable the WiFi capability altogether. If this is not possible, consider using a lower RF emitting WiFi router.
- More and more people are ditching their cell phones and reclaiming a healthier more vibrant life in the real world. But if that’s not a possibility, or if you’re not “there” yet, perhaps limit cellphone use to short on-the-go calls or texts, and outfit your home with a safe, corded (NB not cordless) landline connection (and a cozy armchair) for longer calls. If you do still have a cellphone, keep it at a generous distance from your body, especially at night while sleeping.
- Skip all the wearable watches, rings etc. that monitor and upload your vitals – heartbeat, blood pressure, pulse etc. Tech companies don’t give a hoot about your health and shouldn’t be collecting all this personal data. Tune into and become more acquainted with your own body…from within.
- Weigh the cost/benefits of a given technology and decide if you really need it. For e.g., do you want a wireless (radiating) alarm system when you can have a hardwired system instead?
- If you’d like to watch a specific video or listen to a podcast while on an extended train/bus/or airplane trip, download the item onto a device before setting out. And be sure to put your device on airplane mode. “Look Ma! No wireless!!”
- Check if your locality has an optout provision for wireless smart meters. If so, a safer analog meter is just a call away. Check your electric, gas, and water meters as, unfortunately, nearly all companies and utilities are transitioning to wireless meters.
For more info on how to transition your home to a cleaner EMF space, check out the Electro Sensitive Society/reduce exposure HERE.
Shield what you can’t eliminate
You may not be able to remove the cell tower that’s down the street from your home (although hopefully, you’re putting up a good fight to get rid of it!), and likely you won’t be able to get a bank of smart meters off a wall near your apartment or convince your neighbor to hardwire their WiFi router. But you can shield your home, or at least one room that is as far from the offending exposures as possible. To accomplish this safely you will need the assistance of someone well-versed in EMF remediation, such as a Building Biologist, so you don’t inadvertently increase your exposure.
The expert remediator will advise you on paints and other shielding materials that block the EMFs. S/he will help you hardwire your router, install a corded landline phone, and help lower your exposure to electric and magnetic fields as well as lessening the dirty electricity on your wiring with filters, or by removing the offending technologies.
If shielding is not possible, too costly, or complicated, you may decide to move to a cleaner environment where you can free up your mind, heart, and time worrying far less about EMF exposures as well as all the other environmental pollutants we’re exposed to in urban living.
Nurture and support your body
Nurture and support your body so it has more energy and resources to deal with the EMF environmental assault. Try to eat a wholesome diet of unprocessed foods and as much as possible, use personal and household cleaners that are free of toxins. Get plenty of rest in a quiet an EMF space as sleep is when the body does the bulk of its healing. Spend less time online and more time with friends, family, or with yourself engaged in activities that bring you contentment and joy. If possible, move more slowly and mindfully through your day, for as time stretches, stress lessens, and hearts and minds expand. Breath-based martial arts such as Chi Gong, Tai Chi, or Yoga can enhance personal energy, and strengthen the body’s overall resilience while promoting circulation and detoxification. (But be sure to find an EMF-free class.)
Seek out an EMF-literate healthcare practitioner
Unfortunately, EMF-literate healthcare practitioners are not so easy to come by. Perhaps in the course searching you can share the EMF Medical Conference 2021 video and webinar series (free of charge) with open-minded healthcare providers you come upon. They may just be inspired to investigate further. Here’s the file with links to all 54 videos!
Purchase an electrosmog meter
Funds allowing, purchase an electrosmog meter to help you keep tabs on exposure levels in your home, workplace, and when on-the-go. You can get a good one that records RF, ELF, and magnetic fields for around $150. For DE, you will have to purchase a separate meter.
Advocate for yourself
Advocate for yourself. Not only will this help you, but it will help educate and sensitize others to EHS, and perhaps they will begin to “connect the dots” in their own journey toward better health.
Help raise awareness
Consider submitting the ad Is Wireless Making You Sick to local news outlets, schools, or other fora that reaches people.
For more information about EHS, visit the Electro Sensitive Society out of Canada: https://www.electrosensitivesociety.com
For further resources, websites, social media groups, and so forth, please see:
United Kingdom
Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE)
EMF Wise
Power Watch UK
Om EHS/Elöverkänslighet
The Netherlands
Stichting EHS
Cœurs d’EHS
South Africa
United States
Environmental Health Trust – Electromagnetic Sensitivity
EHS and MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity)
EMR Australia
New Zealand
Safer Technology New Zealand (STANZ)
Legal Cases
Claimant successfully wins Appeal for Universal Credit on the grounds of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS)
Court Ruling Protects Ehs* Philippe Tribaudeau From Eviction
L’électrohypersensibilité judiciairement reconnue
World EHS Day
The EMF Medical Conference 2021
Ad – Is Wireless Making You Sick?
ICNIRP and FCC Exposure Limits Not Protective
Scientific evidence invalidates
health assumptions underlying the FCC
and ICNIRP exposure limit determinations
for radiofrequency radiation: implications for 5G
Jolie Jones Talks
Jolie Jones, daughter of legendary Quincy Jones, has personally experienced Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. “I’m Not The Only One!” is her interview with Retired Professor Olle Johansson from the Karolinska Institute.