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Chilean Medical College and the Chilean Society of Family Medicine series of lectures!

May 17, 2022

The hosts in Chile have educated the Chilean Medical College and the Chilean Society of Family Medicine and they have agreed to this series of lectures!

This is a big step for these groups and for this part of the world so we are hoping people will support them by attending the lectures and/or
sharing the information with other health care practitioners.

The small fee is to pay for translation and other expenses.

Should you require more information please contact Mario Diaz
at arcorecto@protonmail.com or Sebastian Carbonell
at sbcarbonell@gmail.com.

Seminario “Electrohipersensibilidad: evidencias para el diagnóstico y manejo clínico” // Seminar “Electrohypersensitivity: evidence for diagnosis and clinical management”
Formulario para inscripción al Seminario online,
a realizarse los días 10,17 y 24 de mayo, de 19 a 20:30 hrs(UTC/GMT -4),
a cargo de la Dra Magda Havas.
Organizado por el Departamento de Medio Ambiente del COLMED(Regional Chillán) y
Patrocinado por la Sociedad Chilena de Medicina Familiar.
En inglés y con traducción simultánea //

Online Seminar registration form,
to be held on May 10, 17 and 24, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m(UTC/GMT -4),
By Dr. Magda Havas.
Organized by the Department of the Environment of COLMED (Regional Chillán) and
Sponsored by the Chilean Society of Family Medicine.
In English and with simultaneous translation