Oregon Health Authorities taken to task for corrupt handling of scientific review

The Oregon Health Authorities were mandated to review independent science to determine if wireless devices (wi-fi) are hazardous to children. Their report was white-washed, flawed and biased, as reported in May.


Public comments from experts were harsh, parents were outraged. Many are demanding that the report be retracted and a report based on the true and unbiased findings be made public. If this stands, industry will use it to further deceive governments, school trustees, and the public. An accurate report on the findings could open the door to safer schools everywhere.

On July 6 some took the opportunity to make comments which were recorded. A parent forwarded the video with his comments below:

“OHA had their policy board meeting that included paid staff and volunteer members of their organization. 12 people ripped them to shreds for their corrupt handling of the recent review of science related to radiation in schools. Link starts at the beginning of the public testimony:”

Oregon Health Policy Board Meeting – 07/06/2021


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