Industry tells us technology and AI will be revolutionary and transform our lives. Yet, many people are beginning to see that our exaggerated use of and dependence on technology threatens health, well-being, and privacy, and casts a menacing shadow over our world. There is too much at stake now to leave our future in the hands of vested economic interests and unconscious actions.
We envision and seek to ensure a world where 5G, 6G or any other “G” is replaced by safe technology that has undergone scrutiny to ensure the health and well-being of all life on Earth.
We envision and seek to ensure a world where technology serves to support and regenerate all living beings, eco systems, and Earth herself, rather than to promote unlimited growth, power over, and war.
We envision and seek to ensure a world where people are connected face-to-face and heart-to-heart, and not consumed by ubiquitous virtual connectivity.
We envision and seek to ensure a world where the increasingly frenetic pace of hyper-connectivity is slowed down so we can once again connect to our own humanity.
We envision and seek to ensure a world where the pursuit of “faster”, “bigger” and “more” is replaced with contentment from “just enough”.
In short … a world where technology is used in a way that respects and protects all life.