5G/EMF/RF Microwaving Our Planet – Satellites, Part 1

In an effort to connect every “thing”, event, and place on the planet to the internet, plans are for launching over 100,000 satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to complement terrestrial 5G. (NB: estimates vary.) As of April 2nd, 2021, over 80 countries had satellite programs. Elon Musk’s SpaceX is leading the charge with plans for 48,000 Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites set to communicate with millions of User Terminals and hundreds of Earth base stations. Most recently, the company has applied to the FCC for additional user terminals for vehicles called, Earth Stations in Motion (ESIM).

For an overview of plans from some of the major satellite companies, please see: https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Update-on-Satellites.pdf, courtesy of Arthur Firstenberg.

For an overview of satellite companies in China, please see:   https://spacenews.com/automaker-geely-gains-approval-for-satellites-for-self-driving-constellation/

Dangers posed by satellites include space debriscollisions, depletion of the ozone layer; risk of devastating cyber attacks, pollution from rocket launches and from “dead” satellites burning up in the atmosphere; plutonium and uranium spills from nuclear-powered satellites and space vehicles; increase in already harmful levels of EMF radiation, permanent compromise of the night sky, interference with astronomical research and weather forecasting; effects on wildlife, yet more tracking, surveillance and erosion of privacy; vastly more energy consumption, and the “promise” of increasing the lethality of war.

Satellites are being used for commercial gain, be it communications, data-harvesting, growing artificial intelligence, weather-forecasting, smart cities, banking, critical infrastructure etc.. They are also being used by the military in Systems Warfare and are slated to increase the lethality of war.

Although SpaceX and other mega constellations claim satellites are necessary to “bridge the digital divide”, doing so would  be far more effectively accomplished by means of safer wired connections, with wireless or laser filling in on essential services, if and where cable is absolutely unfeasible.

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Satellite companies claim speeds will exceed those of fiber optics. But this is highly speculative as there are many variables to consider as data makes its way around the world. Satellite communications must also rely on laser, fiber, WiFi, and cell towers depending on the application, and speeds will vary accordingly.

Satellites can be placed at varying distances from earth.
High Earth Orbit (HEO) – c. 35,000 km above Earth (22,000 mi) (Geo-synchronous Orbit)
Middle Earth Orbit (MEO) – 2000 – 35,000 km above Earth (c. 1200 – 22,000 mi)
Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Very Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) – 160 to 2,000 km (99 to 1200 mi) above Earth, but primarily in the closer range, 160-1000 km (99 – 600 mi).

At least 80,000 satellite applications have been, or are in the process of being approved by the Federal Communica5ions Commission in the USA, most of which are destined for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Very Low Earth Orbit. It is unclear how many satellites are in orbit or planned from the other 80+ countries with satellite programs.

Further Resources:
Satellite Constellations to dominate the Stars. PART I: to whom does it make sense?
Is outer space becoming the new wild west?
Losing the Sky

Space Debris, Collisions And The Kessler Effect

Space debris, aka space junk, refers to pieces of debris in space from “dead” satellites, collisions, or exploded missiles. There are currently millions of objects, some just millimeter sized, flying around space at about 18,000 mph. Due to the extraordinary speeds at which space debris travels (about 20 times the speed of a bullet), if a piece collides with a satellite, the space station, or other space objects it can cause much damage, and will generate yet more debris as a result of the collision. This is known as the Kessler Effect. Some experts predict this could render the skies “unusable” for decades.

Regulations and cleanup efforts lag far behind the growth in space junk.
For the time being, space operators are trying to track the debris in order to avoid collisions where possible.

Further resources on Space Debris:

The rise of space junk and the fall of reason Part 2
As Space Junk Multiplies, Pentagon Is Stuck Tracking It for Civilians
Space companies are racing to beam web access to the entire planet. But ‘space junk’ is a big worry
Satellite mega-constellations’ mega-threats

Cyber Security

Satellites and their accompanying earth-based infrastructure offer vastly more entry-points for so-called “bad actors” leaving both civilians and the armed forces around the world vulnerable to large-scale and devastating cyber-attacks. Recall that many systems on earth – electricity, banking, water, sewage etc. – are increasingly, and not-so-wisely, connected wirelessly to the internet via satellites and 5G-infrastructure. So, a cyber-attack could potentially shut down an entire city for weeks or months at a time.

Most recently, the ransomware cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline in the US was, according to Kitco News, the “most disruptive cyber-attack on record.” The attack prompted President Biden to issue an Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cyber Security. The vectors of attacks are increasing exponentially, so we’ll be playing “catch up” forever unless we remove wireless and satellites from critical infrastructure, and rely predominantly on safer, more secure, hardwired connections.

Further Resources on Cyber Security:

Cyber Warfare: U.S. Military Admits Immediate Danger Is ‘Keeping Us Up At Night’
Space Is Cybersecurity’s New Frontier
Fearing Satellite Hacks and Hijacks, White House Issues Space-Security Directive to Industry
Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity

5G, Satellites And The Military

5G and satellites have enabled the modernization of 21st century warfare by means of Systems Warfare. Systems warfare relies on a vast infrastructure of satellites, cell towers, antennas, sensors, and cameras that “vacuum up” as much data as possible. The sheer quantity of data is more than humans can make sense of and that wireless bandwidth can manage. So, the data is aggregated, sorted and sifted through by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to determine what is of value, how it can be combined, and to whom it should be directed. Command and Control (still predominantly manned by humans but increasingly being outsourced to machines) then sets the parameters for the data it will need for defense or offense in a given operation. Within seconds, “thanks” to systems warfare, the data supporting military aggression is “actionable.”

Secretary Robert O. Work, Senior Fellow for Defense and National Security at the Center for a New American Security and owner of TeamWork, a company that specializes in national security affairs and the future of warfare, states:

“This new concept [systems warfare] will explain how new human-machine collaborative battle networks waging AI-enabled algorithmic operations will give the Joint Force a decided advantage in any future systems confrontation and the ability to defeat system destruction attacks.”

The US Department of Defense dubs this connected system of systems the Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) and “boasts” it will increase the lethality of war by enabling near real-time communications, hypersonic missiles, spy systems, and Facial Recognition Technology. JADC2 will provide a vast communication network that will weave together all branches of the military – the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force. The stated aim is for the US to gain dominion over space for both commercial and military advantage; for whoever controls the “high ground” (space) controls the “low ground” (Earth) as well. NATOChinaRussia and other countries are pressing for 5G and satellites as well.

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