A European Citizens’ Initiative to Protect All Life on Earth
Written and researched for Safe Tech International by Sean Carney, 13 June 2022.
Inspirational ECI coordinator, biologist Pernille Schriver, supported by a prestigious team of experts, volunteers and specialists is driving the important European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), “Stay Connected but Protected.”
The ECI is a tool for citizens to shape politics in the EU. This particular initiative was designed to help solve problems with the 5G technology and must gain one million signatures for the EU Commission and Parliament to act.
See: https://signstop5g.eu/en#problems
Schriver is keen to stress the merits of innovation and inclusivity. The ECI is fortunate to have a dynamic team working across borders to solve problems and reach important goals. The title “coordinator” for Pernille’s role in the ECI is quite apropos as the ECI is the result of a collaborative effort from 27 EU countries working together and hashing things out. Discussions extended months as each country shared their viewpoints. At times perspectives were quite controversial, but through deep listening and compromise, in the end, agreements were reached.
Education is central to the initiative, as there is much confusion about 5G issues. Developing an initiative to resolve these issues constitutes a genuine celebration of the ECI and why it was created. “Stay Connected but Protected” conforms to the values of the European Union, the European Commission, and European Council.
Schriver since 2019 has witnessed the project evolve from a conference in Mendriso, Switzerland, into 23 finalised ECI proposals launched in March 2022. The team emphasizes campaigning and education so the public will be better positioned to make informed choices.
Schriver observes that the ECI has made great progress through the innovative endeavours of “seven organiser countries. Some of the people that have really been enthusiastic and have done such an amazing job are Petra from Slovakia, Kamil from Czech, Charlotte from Denmark, Corriëlle and Rob from the Netherlands and Elisabeth from Germany.”
Health has always been an important issue among 5G campaigners, and legislation is critical in order to protect all people. Schriver adds, “I hope we will reach 1 million [signatures]. We will then have the opportunity to stand face-to-face with the EU Commission and Parliament so that both are forced to act.”
With many countries already challenging the legal basis of the 5G roll out, particularly on health grounds, it’s a momentous initiative to be involved in, receiving support from scientists, campaigners, and a plethora of important organisations.
You can read some of the ECI’s letters of support here: https://signstop5g.eu/en/supporters
What Could One Million EU Signatures Achieve?
One million EU signatures could influence policies on human health, privacy, and the environment. The ECI will bring people together from all walks of life to protect democracy and health. To this end, the diverse ECI networks consolidate new connections and expertise into impactful subnetworks to realise the goal of necessary legislative changes. Schriver described some of the organisations being developed through the ECI that are geared towards protecting public health:
We are currently creating an umbrella organisation called Europeans for Safe Connections to network in Europe. Countries that aren’t part of the EU can also join it. The organisation is concerned with EMFs (Electro Magnetic Fields) and the side-effects, including dirty electricity issues, EHS (Electro-hypersensitivity), and so on. Working together we’ll make a positive lobbying structure that works in the interests of all citizens for a brighter future in Europe and beyond.
Fun, Responsibility and Education
Working against the clock, but immensely positive about the outcome, Schriver invites Europeans to share in responding to the problems of the 5G roll out. This ECI empowers EU citizens to become informed and to participate in promoting the Initiative by distributing information. It’s fun, and anyone can print the wonderfully branded informative posters, stickers and even T-shirts by downloading the ready-to-go designs here: https://signstop5g.eu/en/campaign/material
I asked Schriver about other ways the ECI educates citizens. “We share, almost every day, our new posts drawing attention to the ECI. We promote the 23 proposals from informative new angles and share empowering new insights on social media throughout the EU. Through tireless work we receive signatures and at the same time educate and inspire the citizens, which is important.”
Raising awareness of the complex and overlapping problems arising from the 5G roll out is vital. The issues cut across all of society leaving some EU citizens more vulnerable than others. The ECI empowers citizens across the spectrum making it clear that everyone’s voice, and signature, is equally important.
Is Europe Ready to Face the Challenges?
Schriver thinks the time is right to face the challenges, in the EU and across the world. Working with the team behind the ECI she has successfully formulated an ECI framework to address a range of issues pertaining to 5G while promoting the benefits of hard-wired connectivity.
Ardently campaigning with the wider European community Schriver strongly believes Europe has hope because the ECI is so well supported. From the beginning the ECI became more united as “many of the supporting groups in the Stop 5G ECI wanted to build a European alliance – in order to facilitate a broad co-operation that could influence the EU and local legislators.” Schriver favours this great unity, “We network with organisations within the EU developing an increasingly finely meshed network extending out from the EU and connected with the rest of the world.”
Inclusive Access for a Safer EU
Launched in March 2022, the ECI is accessible to all EU citizens. The outcome of the ECI’s combined efforts can only be as effective as the participation. With the signstop5g.eu website translated into all EU languages, participation is optimised, and the issues are clearly stated. The ECI’s highly accessible and graphically engaging website can be viewed here: https://signstop5g.eu/en
The ECI has arrived in time to make a difference. Increasingly EU citizens are discovering that the implementation of 5G technology is manifesting in ways and with a cost that few might ever have imagined.
To highlight a case in point: It has been announced that a €750 billion [economic] recovery fund will be spent on creating “5G corridors” at EU borders through the 5G PPP (5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership). These types of collaborations between a government agency and a private-sector company implementing 5G can leave citizens powerless to have a say.
If this political dynamic is to change, the ECI’s accessible education methodology must succeed in changing public opinion. To maintain credibility, the ECI also needs the support of scientists, and fortunately there are plenty supporting the precautionary principle and advocating for further research into 5G, which perfectly aligns with the goals of the ECI. By joining the ECI citizens of Europe are not alone anymore and can work through the problems presented by the technology in powerfully unified way.
An ECI of Information, Science and Expertise
For many years now the concerns of activists have resounded throughout Europe. We could say overall 5G activism has been interpreted in the media in ways few might readily support. 5G activism presents a significant challenge to many industries and organisations with technological agendas because it strongly advocates the precautionary principle.
Some academics like Dr. Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens perceive the grass roots pushback against 5G as a problem encouraging radical views, presenting it as a side-effect of our times when people are “no longer trusting politicians and established media outlets.” Meleagrou-Hitchens wants us to persuade us that 5G campaigning and activism, especially in the digital realm, is breeding a terrorist threat.
It’s an unhelpful stereotypical manipulation of a long standing societal dispute over the continued rejection of the precautionary principle, at a time human rights are being technologically deleted, and no-one has given consent to be irradiated in this way. The only threat that seems plausible is a threat to Big Tech investments. Meleagrou-Hitchens unfortunately doesn’t recognise the significant legal challenges to 5G in the US, UK and Europe in recent years and the amazing ECI that that are empowering people to take on the many-headed 5G monster.
It is fortunate citizens are becoming more educated and are taking issue with official insinuations that 5G is safe and can appreciate why the roll out has been halted in some countries over health concerns. Whole countries oppose 5G! Politicians, scientists, and campaigners in these bold countries appear to be on the same page about the health risks, which needs to happen everywhere.
Certainly, Stop 5G campaigning can’t be very popular with Big Tech. Identifying the problems of 5G has become a veritable minefield given the way some Big Tech-aligned NGO thinktanks and the bought media enforce certain stereotypes and polarise public opinion.
We might now be familiar with sentiments such as this from Meleagrou-Hitchens (who is writing for the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET)) and has stated, “Technological innovation has often been a source of fixation for conspiracy theorists, and conspiracies of this kind are not new.”
Writing in April 2020 Meleagrou-Hitchens continues this theme suggesting right-wing groups, actors, and voices, are exploiting “fears surrounding potential health risks associated with 5G technology”, though we aren’t given any proof, or clear references to judge for ourselves. Meleagrou-Hitchens highlights in particular a “conspiracy theory about EMF” being used by the right-wing groups she claims are a threat. For those who require little proof to formulate an opinion Meleagrou-Hitchens research is likely to be interpreted in ways that sully 5G activism because of how it is being aligned it with something unpalatable.
Opposing 5G isn’t necessarily a fear of technology, just as believing it can do harm isn’t necessarily going to result in political activity of the kind described by Meleagrou-Hitchens. I have presented the GNET author’s views to illustrate how campaigning and activism can be distorted and 5G’s perceived politicisation can be shaped by organisations seeking a useful, self-serving narrative to reframe 5G activism.
GNET promotes “Tech against Terrorism” and has its origins in the “Department of War Studies at King’s College London. [It] is the academic research arm of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), an NGO designed to prevent terrorists and violent extremists from exploiting digital platforms.” Significantly, GNET also works with the UN which shapes policies for technology globally. We’d imagine 5G and Digital IDs are among the contemporary technological goals they’d share. Certainly the UN is shaping a digital future with 5G centre stage as any glance at its digitally aligned SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) will show.
GNET has promoted the concept that concerns over 5G might encourage “radical”, or “right-wing” campaigning, as Meleagrou-Hitchens has claimed. “GNET is convened and led by the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR).” Radical groups are seen as endangering citizens because they are aligned with terrorism in contemporary discourse.
It might surprise us to see how integrated some NGOs and their prevailing ideologies and discourses are with certain centres of learning and highly influential organisations such as the UN. In gaining any objectivity about information concerning the issues around 5G we should be aware how certain interests politically interact and promote a mutually beneficial technological agenda necessitating 5G.
Clearly there are vested interests in sustaining the 5G. These can influence public perception of opposition to 5G and belittle important 5G issues, like health, as we’ve seen by calling up unhelpful stereotypes and even a self-serving “conspiracy theory about EMF.”
Clearly citizens shouldn’t take the issues presented about 5G at face value! It’s a multifaceted problem, and there is considerable misinformation, even from “academic” sources, which is why educators and experts work hard within the ECI to provide citizens with reliable, empowering information.
Citizens owe it to themselves to find out the real facts about 5G issues and the ECI will give clarity to any questions or concerns.
As the ECI is calling 5G a “problem” it is putting itself firmly in the “gun-sights” of economic and political interests driven by 5G technological agendas. The palpable media controversies surrounding 5G have promoted fears, doubts, and stereotypes, and this may undermine some support for the ECI.
However, we should not forget the “Stay Connected but Protected” ECI is supported by the European Commission and Parliament. The ECI is an official challenge to 5G that people can celebrate and get behind. People are encouraged to support it and will soon come to understand that the controversy about 5G, particularly around conspiracy theories over health is a strategy of industry to undermine public support of the precautionary principle.
Because of this ECI technological agendas are being challenged by people organising together over health concerns relating to 5G. Big Tech will always be finding ways to counter that challenge. Citizens can powerfully counter this harmful trend becoming informed together and realising the shortcomings of many industry strategies and claims when it comes to 5G. Any claims by industry, or indeed scientists, suggesting that 5G is safe or can’t damage our health have always been mere “claims” lacking substance. We can easily fact-check this and find nothing of real scientific meaning to support these types of claims.
Citizens have every reason to become informed about 5G and the technologies it is enabling, and to demand proof it is safe, and powerfully unify across Europe to ensure the roll out will be stopped based on the absence of proof.
Citizens should realise that the basis of the roll out is implied consent. EU citizens may not realise this, or the significance of this problem. EU citizens have rights and they do not have to consent. People around the world are saying “We do not consent.”
Because 5G is such a big ethical problem with implications for public health both lawyers and scientists have risen to challenge the roll out which importantly highlights in a high-profile way how our health is not the priority of Big Tech, the telecoms companies, and governments.
The ECI has high-profile support from the scientific community, which includes Lennart Hardell, and further, more than 400 scientists and medical doctors (including 80 professors) endorsing the EU Appeal for a moratorium on 5G. They would surely concur that the public is being misinformed about the risks from 5G and lend their support to any legal actions transpiring that advocate the precautionary principle to keep citizens safe.
Prestigious international support of the ECI by an array of scientists and organisations builds on the valuable work already achieved. By adding their signatures to the ECI citizens in the EU can align with very powerful voices in a vast community that strives to safeguard citizens’ health and rights.
The ECI: Removing Obstacles and Having Choices
5G issues are easily reframed to satisfy the exclusive and sponsored interests shaping opinions in the global media, and in the minds of EU citizens and politicians. Conversely the ECI is fully inclusive, objective, and can, by gaining a million signatures, intervene utilising democratic means to address issues like censorship and bias that can prevent people from understanding the urgent problems of 5G.
Some citizens have openly supported and defended wireless and 5G but have perhaps never questioned why they defend their opinions. The media take-away is that 5G wireless technology is the key to the future, or to economic recovery, or connectivity, or speed, or to realise sustainability, or even “health security.” For these reasons citizens might think another future or a safer technology is impossible.
But why do citizens feel they have no choice but wireless connectivity and 5G?
Today Big Tech interests spend billions to influence politicians and the media, and it’s a problem polarising public opinion on 5G in the EU, as elsewhere. Because the ECI is such an invaluable tool, EU citizens stand to gain invaluable perspective about 5G. By becoming better informed citizens will be able to decide how to protect their human rights, and their points of view, from the lobbying interests of Transnational Corporations (TNCs).
This is essential as the EU is relentlessly targeted by lobbying the Parliament and legislative mechanisms. Lobbying by Big Tech in particular, is accelerating the digital transformation, and at the same time has shaped public perception of 5G, and of 5G activism in misleading ways.
Big Tech pay-outs have advanced the 5G digital agenda by gaining influence to change regulations in the EU and beyond. By supporting the ECI, EU citizens can claim back power, heal the 5G schism, and influence regulations to be fairer and healthier for all. We do have other choices. Not everyone can or wants to live with wireless technology. It is important to know we can be “connected but protected.”
EU Citizens Can Shape Their Future
According to Corporate Europe Observatory, “as the EU tries to rein in the most problematic aspects of Big Tech – from disinformation, targeted advertising, to unfair competition practices – the digital giants are lobbying hard to shape new regulations.” It is known “the tech sector spends nearly €100 million annually on trying to get the EU to do what it wants,” and this includes Apple, QUALCOMM and Vodafone.
Lobbying Tech firms influence the information we read to help maximise their profits. Arguably, the interests of Big Tech gains advantages by steering public opinion over 5G. The news we read, and the political climate can easily become controlled by Big Tech, especially when aligned NGOs, and other organisations and private interests. The explosion of 5G infrastructure could not have happened without these invested forces tirelessly influencing public trust in 5G.
News outlets are another essential mechanism for them to gain further political influence. This can be illustrated by researching the funding sources of any newspaper which often reveals the interplay between powerfully influential industry leaders, their private investments, and ultimate political aims. For this reason, the conversation about 5G has been directed by money, not ethics.
The influential Guardian newspaper, as a case in point, is heavily influenced by donations from interested parties, particularly the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) which has given the Guardian sums of up to $2,951,391 in recent years. BMGF also funds the World Health Organisation (WHO), an NGO steering a tech agenda called “Digital Health”. Gates (and WHO, as we’ll see) have big telecoms investments, so each have an interest in 5G being rolled out.
As Profits Confidential has reported, “A provider of [5G] small-cell antennas, Crown Castle Communications Infrastructure (CCI) stock is Bill and Melinda Gates’ favourite 5G stock. They have 5.3 million shares of Crown Castle stock in their foundation’s portfolio.”
The Guardian is not only influenced by 5G interests but has even been outed as a “mouthpiece for the intelligence agencies,” which also have an interest in 5G for surveillance tech and in cybersecurity. 5G infrastructure is now a national security asset because of recent legislation in many countries rolling out the technology.
Do we really think we are reliably informed about 5G, or are we just being influenced by the highest bidders?
If the media is politically biased and has ulterior motives in how it reports world events, the implications for EU decision-making (and for public perception) are obvious. Citizens must have reliable information about issues concerning 5G.
In many ways it becomes evident that can’t rely on mainstream media to be objective, or balanced, and we shouldn’t underestimate the influence of big tech, telecom companies, and even “philanthro-capitalists” like Bill Gates, or even the security services, with their shared interests in 5G technology and infrastructure. These interested parties all want Europeans on board with a wireless tech agenda rather than to be scrutinising 5G and its implications for humanity and making changes. It’s a problem that desperately needs corrective solutions.
Could this situation be reversed with 1 million signatures for the “Stay Connected but Protected” ECI?
Democracy’s “Swiss Army Knife” for Change
EU citizens have hope, and a vital tool, the ECI. It’s important to understand the real value of the ECI, its potential for meaningful change and why it is such an important mechanism for producing informed, lasting, mutually beneficial societal transformation. It has the potential to change history.
Here is a short introduction to the ECI and the aims of this extraordinarily important initiative inviting Europe to “Stay Protected but Connected.”
The European Citizens’ Initiative has its origins in the Constitutional Convention on the Future of Europe of 2002. It was added to the Constitutional Treaty significantly through the efforts of campaigning activists, not only the Convention members. It was finally introduced by the Lisbon Treaty in 2007 after facing some initial opposition by France, the Netherlands and Ireland. A public consultation followed, and the European Parliament voted in favour of the ECI in 2010. With the full support of the European Commission and Council the regulation was finalised in 2011.
Since 2012 it has allowed European citizens greater participation in democracy. By using the initiative, citizens can come together on an issue and interface with European institutions to make far reaching legislative proposals. Once an initiative has reached 1 million signatures from at least 7 member states, the European Commission will decide upon a course of action.
Interestingly, the initiative was inspired by tools employed in Switzerland to enable direct democracy. As we know, Switzerland doesn’t belong to the European Union. Along with Slovenia and Belgium, Switzerland took the lead in prioritising public health and the environment during the global roll out of 5G by invoking the Precautionary Principle. These countries recognised the completely experimental nature of the 5G technology.
5G is characterised by novel modulations of pulsed electromagnetic fields, the introduction of millimetre waves and beam forming into the environment and has caused an unprecedented legislative drive to permit the unimpeded densification of transmitters and infrastructure required. 5G has become the health controversy of the 21st century.
An Unacceptable Gamble on Human Health
5G’s characteristics represent unknown health and environmental risks adding up to an unacceptable gamble, and arguably, 5G could jeopardise future food supply and the freedoms we take for granted today. The message of those marketing and lobbying for the technology, as we’d expect, is that 5G is the future, implying there are no risks.
The lobbied “Berlin wall” of prevailing censorship and facile marketing has served to polarise citizens in their understanding of persistent and emergent issues concerning 5G. It’s a vulnerable position for citizens to be in: Overcoming the barriers of misinformation, and understanding the political dynamic fuelling the problems, could prove a significant hurdle for many citizens to cross.
Most countries in the EU still haven’t adopted the Precautionary Principle, despite all the risks. Even countries such as Italy at the forefront of 5G activism haven’t sufficiently communicated the risks to protect citizens. All of this is very concerning after the EU Parliament’s publication of “The Health Impacts of 5G,” authored by Dr Fiorella Belpoggi of Italy’s Ramazzini Institute. The publication confirmed the science that showed 5G frequencies caused infertility in men and many other health problems that still have not stopped the roll out of 5G in Europe.
The unreported aspects of the technology, such as the environmental impacts, the erosion of privacy through increasing AI surveillance, and the health effects of rising electromagnetic pollution on the electrosensitive communities and on us all, will eventually surface and be mainstreamed. However, it would be far more prudent for this to happen sooner rather than later, for our health and continued freedoms.
To this end, the Stay Connected but Protected team spanning the EU and beyond has helped to create an invaluable and accessible resource for citizens to become informed and engaged with issues of vital importance. The ECI is already achieving a meaningful unity among EU citizens to manifest informed action and decision-making. The European Citizens’ Initiative catalyses principles inspired by direct democracy, which as in Switzerland, can effectively influence legislation to the benefit of all EU citizens across all borders to face off the persistent threats from 5G.
Does this Sound Like Your EU?
According to the European Parliament’s “Ten Issues to Watch in 2021” report, prepared by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) we notice that vaccine supply, food supply, economic recovery, cultural crisis, inequality, sustainability, improved border control, minerals for technology, digital solutions, and EU-NATO co-operation are at the top of the EU Parliament’s agenda. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/IDAN/2021/659436/EPRS_IDA(2021)659436_EN.pdf
Nowhere in the “Ten Issues to Watch in 2021” report was 5G mentioned, and where health is mentioned there is a “vaccine race for health.” Perhaps little has changed. The 2022 report by comparison shows the additions of financial and banking issues, gender, and diversity issues, and “net zero” issues, relating to UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Significantly, the 2022 report also has an emphasis on “promoting the uptake of connected devices in the EU”.
We have seen evidence showing the EU Parliament can be heavily lobbied by Big Tech and vested interests. These industry ties can ultimately determine policies, and thus the future of EU citizens. This year the World Health Organisation (WHO) proposed Digital ID/Health Passports using track and trace surveillance which would require EU citizens to be fully connected with devices. The WHO says it promotes “digital health…harnessing the power of digital technologies and health innovation to accelerate global attainment of health and well-being.” But why must global health be dependent on wireless technology?
As an investor in “digital health” WHO has a contract with German telecommunications multinational, Deutsch Telekom to build the global vaccine passport system, part of its proposed digital ID rollout. This is an idea supported by the UN (United Nations) and WEF (World Economic Forum). It truly is phenomenal how pervasive 5G interests are and how aligned the ultimate goals of these organisations, particularly along the lines of Digital ID and Digital Currency.
Heavily lobbied Digital ID encapsulates one of the unexpected ways 5G connectivity could keep EU citizens digitally monitored 24/7. WHO no doubt expect to cash in on their Deutsch Telekom investment regardless of any scientific EU document proving 5G is unsafe for citizens. This has been the attitude of Big Tech, and citizens wouldn’t expect the principal organisation focusing on healthcare to be ushering in the wireless IoT agenda favouring Big Tech. However, WHO is an NGO that receives funding from many sources including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, its second biggest donor, flush with 5G and wireless technology investments.
WHO is open to influence, just like the EU Parliament, and has clearly fully invested in 5G technologies that harm health and will erode human rights. It seems that an IoT digital agenda matters more to WHO than the health or rights of EU citizens.
Citizens must urgently take positive action.
With the Internet of Things clearly being pushed in 2022 and because the IoT is favoured by the EU Parliament, we’d expect a lot of lobbying from Big Tech interests, and the usual NGO suspects, to keep EU citizens on board with everything from 5G Corridors to WHO’s Digital ID goals. It will require nuanced campaigning and ingenuity to put the real 5G and IoT issues centre stage in public consciousness.
An ECI of its Time
Democracy is facing significant challenges in the 21st century in great part due to our attitudes around technology.
Growing numbers of people can no longer deny that 5G represents a threat to citizens despite what media and Big Tech have led us to believe. It really is a choice, to invest in our health, our communities, and our democracy. Without that, we may be led into an advancing digitally mediated wirelessly controlled world that is being lobbied into existence with 5G to maximise investments of Big Tech and affiliated NGOs now and in the future.
What about maximising your future? Europe’s future? All our futures?
It certainly looks like the ECI is on the right timeline to make some urgent changes. Humanity is at a crossroads, and in Europe the “Stay Protected but Connected” goals could prove instrumental in challenging lingering public misconceptions about 5G’s issues. There is an information war to win as well as schisms and misconceptions to dissolve.
According to Schriver, “We are starting a people’s movement that grows bigger every day.” The road to success involves integrating this multilateral momentum across all EU borders. The whole of the EU must rise to the challenges.
Why are Schriver and the ECI team so confident that “Stay Connected but Protected” will elicit significant changes in public consciousness and legislation when 5G often appears to be a such “taboo” subject for many?
Schriver writes, “Even though the EU does not mention 5G upfront, we are doing our best to inform everyone we can and push for changes in many of the sub-topics that 5G is part of. Recently we were aligning our messages with World Oceans Day, World EHS Day, etc.
We use press releases from the ECI in our communication with lawmakers and politicians. We’ve now seen lawyers unite and legal cases concerning 5G are growing. So even if we do not reach 1 million signatures as planned, we have already won in many ways.”
The evolution of the ECI and the 5G issues facing EU citizens have afforded Schriver and the ECI team vital networks and constructive support systems likely to last well beyond the ECI under discussion. With an evolving strategy that encourages open dialogue while advancing public education, Schriver strongly encourages EU citizens to take charge of the 5G issue. Through the signstop5G.eu website, citizens can connect to many vital 5G issues relating to health, privacy, and automated cars to saving Europe’s pollinators, and they can have their say as well as form new and innovative supportive networks.
See here: https://signstop5g.eu/en/news
It is the right time to speak up and make history. The 5G agenda is full-throttle and closing in. We need refreshing approaches and decisive action to tackle the tricky balance of issues. The ECI’s combination of grass roots ethical action entwining with Parliamentary mechanisms represents a powerful opportunity for EU citizens and sets an inspirational precedent for 5G awareness movements across the world.
You can show your support today and make your own vital contribution. A million signatures would be really something. And it’s not just about changing Europe. There is a wider reaching ethical imperative. As the website says, “Stay Protected but Connected” is about the “protection of all life on earth.”
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