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EMF/RF: Lifespan vs Healthspan: Suppressing Science About Harm or Choosing Evolutionary Healing?

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International

In the 1990’s, when I ran an interdisciplinary yoga studio, one of the teachers had a catch phrase ‘Yoga for Everybody.’ We designed a post card with photos of a toddler and a yoga teacher, and a student supplied a picture of her golden retriever. They were each performing inspiring, instinctual and heart-warming expressions of Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Dog Pose.  

Image Courtesy Flo Freshman 

Yogajala reports that there are 10 benefits of Downward Dog:  1. Stretches the entire body, 2. Eases back pain and promotes good posture 3. Strengthens the upper body 4. Improves stability and balance 5. Full body strength building 6. Calms the mind 7. Boosts mental clarity and focus 8. Supports the digestive system 9. Regulates the nervous system 10. Alleviates tension headaches and migraines.

Full Disclosure: In my mind, I compare these benefits with issues associated with increased screen time, especially for children. By far, I am not alone. (For example, see: The EdTech Revolution Has Failed The case against student use of computers, tablets, and smartphones in the classroom from John Haidt’s Substack After Babel)

It’s Always Inflammation

But the point of my story is that soon after we created our downward dog postcard, the student who owned the golden retriever stopped in. She had recently taken the dog to the vet, and his inflammatory markers were sky high.

We had been using his image to promote concepts of stress reduction and mind-body balance, and his nerves were, in fact, on fire.

We were broken-hearted.

I was reminded of the story of her beloved pet when I listened, again, to a recent podcast with Dr. Tom O’Bryan and Nathan Crane about the difference between Healthspan and Lifespan, or Biological Age and Chronological Age.

We are older than our chronological age. We are living longer, but we are spending a greater portion of our lives in poor health. (This includes children, and mounting autism, ADHA, asthma, obesity, and auto-immune issues.) We are headed in the wrong direction.

I know that I am in the same boat as that dog, along with many others. The difference is that I have been fortunate enough to recognize that something is wrong.

According to Dr. Tom O’Bryan, others might be traversing through 30 years of Alzheimer’s development and not know it. The problem is that if we don’t recognize, assess, and address risks while harm is unfolding, invisibly, below the surface, – we can’t respond.

As Dr. O’Bryan stated, we keep throwing gas on the fire, and the fire is in the brain.

How do we make the invisible visible? The answer is: We look at the progression of inflammation. If we are courageous enough, we address the cause.


Regarding aging, I had previously heard Dr. Zach Bush raise a question about the possibility of adverse effects of RF and 5G exposure on the length of telomeres. Healthline explains: “Your DNA is located within the nuclei of your cells, where it’s bundled within structures called chromosomes. Each chromosome carries specific genetic information in the form of genes. As the cells in your body divide, your chromosomes need to replicate so that each cell contains a complete set of chromosomes in its nucleus. At the ends of each of your chromosomes are stretches of DNA called telomeres. Telomeres help protect the ends of your chromosomes from damage or fusing with nearby chromosomes. Keep reading to learn more about these tiny but important structures and why they could unlock the door to preventing disease and reducing the effects of aging.”

Non-repairable, Permanent Indicators of Genotoxic Effects

I also remember reading about a recent study about cell towers and chromosomal damage. “A newly published study found people who lived near telecommunications base station antennas (such as cell towers and telecommunications network antennas) with higher exposure to radio-frequency (RF) radiation from the antennas had significantly higher chromosomal aberrations s (non-repairable, permanent indicators of genotoxic effects) in their blood.  The peer reviewed study entitled “Evaluation of oxidative stress and genetic instability among residents near mobile phone base stations in Germany” was published in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety by renowned European experts of the Cancer Research Institute, Biomedical Research Centre, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Germany, and the Cancer Research Centre, Medical University of Vienna.   Enviromental Health Trust (Jun 13, 2024)

Physicians for Safe Technology | Human DNA Effects of RF EMR

Chromosome abnormalities can be inherited from a parent (such as a translocation) or be “de novo” (new to the individual). This is why, when a child is found to have an abnormality, chromosome studies are often performed on the parents. -Source

At times, I have wondered how my life would have turned out if I had not ended up needing to learn about comet assay indices and de novo chromosome abnormalities, and was studying Sanskrit instead. I know the answer. I have an environmental illness progressing towards a disease diagnosis that could possibly have been prevented or mitigated against, but remains beyond my control due to an uncontrolled environment. But had I not been accurately informed about lifestyle choices that are harmful to me, I could be in much worse health, or already deceased, or making choices that are harmful to others.

I would rather know.

I wonder when we will consider the impact of a polluted EMF/RF environment, and genetic damage affecting younger populations, that is not inherited.

How Does Information Translate into Behavioral Change?

When I was in my late teens, ‘Russian Tea’ was all the rage. At the time, the processed food empire was heavily influenced by the patriotism of the Space Race. ‘Russian Tea’ was created by mixing powdered diet iced tea mix with Tang – the astronaut’s drink.

(Wikipedia notes that Kraft Heinz owns the Tang brand in North America. Sales of Tang were poor until NASA used it on John Glenn‘s Mercury flight in February 1962,[5] and on subsequent Gemini missions.[6] Since then it has been closely associated with the U.S. human spaceflight program, which created the misconception that Tang was invented for the space program.[7][8] Tang continues to be used on NASA missions in the present day, over 50 years after its introduction.[9]Wikipedia)

I loved concocting Russian Tea, and I loved drinking it. At the time, the diet drink Tab was also advertised as nutritious for women because calcium was being added. Chemistry was king,

When the summer ended, I realized that Russian Tea was also delicious as a hot drink/hot tea.

Then I read that when the artificial sweetener was heated, it caused direct harm – to the brain. It was the last time that I drank Russian Tea or its components.

The experience changed my relationship with the authorities who regulate the food supply. I saw how a chemical product could be brought to market, then classified as carcinogenic, and then re-classified as safe, for example saccharin, or vinyl chloride.

I also know about the unscrupulous product defense field, and mercenary science, and compromised politicians and regulators.

Regarding sweeteners, I started to feel the discomfort that reveals itself when our beliefs are challenged, and when we feel that the societal structures that are supposed to protect us are not reliable or accountable.

Rather than avoiding the discomfort and gravitating back into denial, deep in my cells, when I looked at certain products, I was repelled. I leaned into it.

Regulatory authorities are not revising their science in response to real world conditions. Therefore. the public has to move and evolve faster. We are already witnessing a revolution is behaviors in regard to children and social media, led by parents, driving policy change. That revolution is sparking evolution, and we need it, because we are traversing a de-evolutionary, instinct-injured pathway.

I believe that if everyone had the chance to learn about inflammation progression that the world could shift on a dime. In fact, it can.

Nathan Crane and Dr. Tom O’Bryan

The interview with Nathan Crane and Dr. Tom O’Bryan is Shocking: Why Alzheimer’s and Dementia Diagnoses Are Rising, Dr. Tom O’Bryan | Nathan Crane Podcast

Shocking: Why Alzheimer’s and Dementia Diagnoses Are Rising, Dr. Tom O’Bryan | Nathan Crane Podcast
In this eye-opening interview, Dr. Tom O’Bryan discusses the shocking rise in Alzheimer’s diagnoses, even among younger populations, and how chronic inflammation plays a key role. Find out how simple lifestyle changes and the right tests, like the Neural Zoomer Plus, can help protect your brain and reduce inflammation

It is Time to Remove the Covid-Colored Glasses

As Dr. O’Bryan noted, pre-covid, in 2017, Blue Cross Blue Shield published an alarming report about increasing rates of early onset dementia in ages 30 to 64.

Reference: Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. “Early-Onset Dementia and Alzheimer’s Rates Grow for Younger American Adults.” The Health of America Report, 2017. Click here to read this issue. – Image from healthspan-vs-lifespan – theDr®

Sky-rocketing Neurological Death Rates

Prior to the Blue Cross Blue Shield report, before Covid, in 2015, Bournemouth University (U.K) researchers Colin Pritchard and Emily Rosenorn-Lanng published their study, Neurological deaths of American adults (55–74) and the over 75’s by sex compared with 20 Western countries 1989–2010: Cause for concern

The researchers showed that deaths due to neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia were, in fact, rising in the twenty-one Western countries, with especially alarming increases for women in the United States. In August of 2015, the Washington Post reported,” The study [] found that the disease is now being regularly diagnosed in people in their late 40s and that death rates are soaring. [] The problem was particularly acute in the United States, where neurological deaths in men aged over 75 have nearly tripled and in women risen more than fivefold.”

“Total Neurological Deaths include such disparate conditions as Parkinson’s disease, motor neuron disease (MND), hereditary neuromuscular conditions, prion disorders, degenerative diseases, including Creutzfeldt Jacob’s disease (CJD), and new variant CJD[50] though the incidence of the later appears to have relatively stabilized, returning close to pre‑2000 levels.[9,30,41] Earlier research found that dementia morbidity was occurring earlier and had disproportionately increased in some Western countries in people aged 45–74 years, with relatively larger increases in women[26,38,40] as women’s TND rates had risen relatively more than male rates in every country.”

” [] apart from Portugal, over the 20 years the USA had statistically significant greater rises in Total Neurological Deaths than 16 other countries, indicating disproportionate changes in neurological morbidity and mortality in American adults (55–74) and the over 75’s

“Moreover, the extent of “early dementias,” often seen in people under 60, was virtually unknown 30 or more years ago and the more than doubling of the over 75’s Total neurological Deaths in the US within just 20 years, suggests that interactive multiple environmental and lifestyle factors are operating.

“Neurological diseases are considered to be “diseases of the elderly”[37] and that possibly the rises are essentially due to the “Gompertzian effect”‑that is, that as people live longer, they have diseases that previously they would not have lived long enough to develop.[7,14,43] This appears to have some validity, but the question is whether such substantial changes, occurring over a relatively short period, are mainly due to the Gompertzian effect? However, international changes in regard to cancer deaths[41,42] do not accord with a Gompertzian prediction, nor does this explanation account for changes between countries and gender especially in the USA, as other studies, while acknowledging an element of Gompertzian process, have suggested that environmental factors play a larger part.[2,24,25,”

“CONCLUSIONS The Gompertzian explanation appears limited, not least because it does not explain the USA position, but we avoid the temptation to speculate but point toward a number of studies indicating possible epigenetic factors influencing neurological morbidity,[3‑5,15,22,24‑26,32,36,44] suggesting that possible nongenetic influences on gene expression, may be entertained.[4‑6,10,12,13,16,20,32,41] The nature of any environmental factors are uncertain but there have been major environmental changes; including increased population, economic activity, substantial rises in road and air travel; increased home technology involving background electromagnetic fields (mobile phones, microwave ovens, computers), which are unique to these later years and these possible environmental factors cannot be ignored, especially as they probably interact.[6,10,27,28,33] This list of possible features might be described as “modern living” and the USA is the epitome of “modern living.””

In the study, death rates for cancer and cardio-vascular diseases were used as controls and compared with neurological deaths. (Note: Unfortunately, the World Health Organization modified their data categories to 20-year cohorts, instead of the previous practice of sorting by decades, further obscuring patterns of earlier neurological damage. There is a difference between dying of dementia at 55 vs. 74. He who controls the data controls the narrative.)

Several points discussed in the podcast with Nathan Crane and Dr. O’Bryan:

  1. 14 of the 15 leading causes of death are chronic inflammatory diseases
  2. Growing evidence suggests that autoantibodies precede the onset of symptomatic autoimmune disease by many years
  3. During the podcast, Dr O’Bryan discusses research published in 2003, conducted on military veterans, demonstrating that biomarkers were present in stored blood in individuals who were subsequently diagnosed with Lupus, that follow a predictable course, years before the disease manifested.
  4. Dr. O’Bryan describes the progression from normal immunity to benign immunity to pathogenic autoimmunity to clinical illness.
  5. The predomal period is when a disease mechanism can be identified, before specific symptoms appear.
  6. Individuals who are at risk to developing an autoimmune disease should be advised to refrain from activities and lifestyle which endangers their health and quality of life.

Although the interview with Dr. O’Bryan and Nathan Crane does not mention reducing exposures to radio frequency radiation powering wireless devices and infrastructure, a portion of the population has been reporting harm, for decades. And independent researchers have been swimming against the tide, validating symptoms and disability.

We need to backtrack to what we were learning about the damage to the brain, and the blood brain barrier, years before covid, and before the arguments about whether covid or vaccines are to blame for health harm.

The testing now available to evaluate biomarkers of brain inflammation leading to specific diseases could be conducted on those experiencing ‘Havana Syndrome;’ on those who comprise the Targeted Justice community; and those reporting Electromagnetic Radiation Syndrome, also known as EHS.

In particular, smart meters have unleashed significant neurological damage in some individuals, and further installations should be stopped pending independent investigation.

The Elimination Challenge – Keith Cutter

Keith Cutter of EMF Remedy has proposed an “EMF Elimination Challenge: A Vision to Change Lives and Heal the World Strategic Initiative #1”

“In my work, I constantly meet people who are on the path to becoming survivors of chronic synthetic EMF exposure. The pattern is always the same: a sudden realization that life is better without synthetic EMF. The specifics vary, but the stories follow a familiar theme. A school teacher falls ill when WiFi is installed in her classroom. A man gets sick after setting up a WiFi router meant for a warehouse in his small apartment. A homeowner moves to a beautiful country home, only to have her health instantly depleted by radar sweeping the area. A woman’s life is forever changed after solar panels are installed on her roof. These are just a few of the many stories I’ve heard from my clients.

In each case, lives are transformed in obvious ways upon exposure to synthetic EMF. Nothing teaches like this kind of experience—a clear and undeniable contrast between life with and without synthetic EMF exposure.

An elimination challenge or trial involves removing one or more potential triggers from a person’s environment, diet, or routine to observe whether symptoms improve or resolve. This approach is commonly used for suspected food intolerances, allergies, chemical sensitivities, or other conditions where specific exposures may be causing harm.

Dr. William Rea

The late Dr. William Rea of the Environmental Health Center developed a protocol to determine which of his patients were actually sensitive to wireless frequencies. In a 2011 presentation to Building Biologists, he discussed “Solutions for Creating Healthy Buildings”

Dr. William Rea: Keynote Address, Building Biology Conference 2011

As part of is protocol, he began by eliminating RF exposure and establishing homeostasis in his patients, and then employing provocation testing.

Researchers involved in manufacturing science to deny the adverse effects of RF exposure are fond of invoking the nocebo effect and claiming that patients cannot determine whether or not they are being exposed to radio frequencies under laboratory conditions.

But if Dr. O’Bryan is telling us that harm can be occurring for 30 years before a disease is detected, and also telling us that predictive biomarkers are present even if we do not yet have a disease diagnosis, and if a portion of the population is reporting harm, and if other researchers including Dr. Magda Havas have provided evidence of changes in heart rate in some patients, isn’t it time for us to stop breaking our own heads and hearts?

New Study: Radiation from Cordless Phone Base Station Affects the Heart – Dr. Magda Havas, PhD.

Those who are far enough declining towards the development of disease to feel pain when exposed to cell towers, cellphones, and Wi-Fi and who may have already developed harm to tissue are “canaries in the coal mine.”

“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Until, of course, it isn’t.

Pittsfield Cell Tower Concerned Citizens 

Want to take action?

Sign The International Declaration on the Human Rights of Children in the Digital Age

ICD Header photo V2.jpg

The dramatic transformation of our world into one increasingly enmeshed with digital technology is having a significant, and often negative, impact on the lives of our children.
In this International Declaration, we posit three fundamental legal rights of children regarding the deployment and use of technology: their right to be free from intentionally addictive devices, platforms and apps; their right to be free from excessive exposure to wireless radiation; and their right to be free from commercial exploitation.

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