Pig-Pen vs. Wiping Up the World: 2025’s Evolutionary Challenge for Tech, Health, and Humankind

What if Pig-Pen’s Cloud of Dirt is Healthier and Safer Than a Wireless Fitness Monitor?

Wikipedia notes that Pig-Pen is a fictional character in the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz. While amiable, he is a young boy who is, except on rare occasions, extremely dirty and attracts a permanent cloud of dust. Pig-Pen is known for his perpetually filthy overalls and the cloud of dirt and dust that surrounds him everywhere he goes. When he takes a deep breath (to sing, for example), the dust rises briefly around him. He has proudly referred to his personal cloud as “the dust of ancient civilizations”.He cannot seem to rid himself of the dust for more than the very briefest of periods — indeed, in spite of his best efforts, it appears that he cannot stay clean. He is referred to in an early strip as the only person who can get dirty while walking in a snowstorm.”Once, after bathing and dressing in clean clothes, Pig-Pen stepped outside his house and instantaneously became dirty and disheveled, whereupon he declared to Charlie Brown, “You know what I am? I’m a dust magnet!” On another occasion, Pig-Pen decided it was important to have clean hands, but after failing to wash them, realized that he had “reached a point of no return.”

Pollution Cloud with Secondhand Impacts and Fueling Addiction – the 1960s

Sixty years ago, smokers created a cloud of pollution around themselves, and no one questioned it. In fact, doctors and scientists recommended smoking for a sore throat, and for your Adams apple.

Note to self – should I be thinking about how my ‘fitness monitor’ impacts my health, including my heart and brain?

Now we have an increasingly dense cloud of artificial man-made frequencies surrounding buildings, communities, homes, people, and the planet.

It’s astounding that we haven’t questioned its safety, yet.

“Building Biology” – the 1970’s

Health Australia describes “The History of Building Biology.”

“Building Biology originated in Germany in the 70’s after the increase of rapidly built homes to accommodate the growing population resulted in the increase of various illnesses. It was discovered air pollutants or off-gassing of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released into the air from building materials and finishes, the impact of electromagnetic energy fields (EMF) and mould caused by moisture build-up indoors or water damage contributed to and increased health problems. The German term Bau-Biologie comes from bau meaning building, construction or structure and the living environment, bios meaning all forms of life, and logos implying a sense of order. The Institute of Building Biology + Sustainability IBN in Germany was founded by Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider (1931-2015). Architect Helmut Ziehe, Dipl.Ing., graduate of the original Baubiologie training expanded the training, first to the USA and now training exists all around the world. Building Biology in Australia is taught at the Australian College of Environmental Studies, founded by Nicole Bijlama, ND, BHScAc(Hons), Adv.Dip Building Biology (USA).”

“Your Home is Your Third Skin”

On her website the Healthy House Architect Beverly Wood wrote, “Your Home is Your Third Skin.” “In Building Biology your home is described as your Third Skin. It acts as a third layer after your first flesh skin and your second skin of clothing, enclosing, protecting and regulating conditions for your comfort. This shows how closely you interact with your home and everything in it – and therefore how directly your home can affect your health. It could therefore be the cause of a broad range of health concerns including:

  • Specific acute conditions or a general ongoing malaise
  • poor sleep, respiratory problems, headaches, palpitations, stress
  • declining vitality, fatigue and mood disturbance

Your Home is Not Your “Safe” Third Skin Anymore, and Neither Are Your Clothes or Your Skin – You Are Immersed in a Man-made Artificial Cloud That Penetrates All Protective Barriers

When the field of Building Biology developed as the result of unsafe building practices, “Your flesh was the first layer, your clothing was your second layer, and your home was described as your third skin.” A sick home or a sick building (think a school with mold) could be accurately identified as the source of symptoms and illness, sometimes chronic, including in children. Addressing the building issues addressed adverse health conditions. The condition was recognized as in the environment, and not in the child.

Many homes no longer “enclose, protect and regulate conditions for comfort.”

The installation of wireless (and powerline) meters impacts an entire community and raises rates for essential services (water, gas, electricity, heat) to pay for infrastructure and data transmission and storage, including non-benefitting and non-consenting residents who will never save money on smart appliance override switches (pool pumps and air conditioners), solar systems, or electric vehicles. The reasonableness of ability to “opt out” for a fee is under increasing scrutiny, and unrealistic in many cases.

Another Polluting Cloud with Second-Hand Impacts, Also Fueling Addiction

Image Courtesy Flo Freshman

We Have Overlooked and Overrun the Energetic Immune System and Ignored the First Line of Defense that Protects the Visible Skin Layer, Even Before the “Clothes Layer”

The human energy field possesses an intelligence that is constantly alchemizing with its electromagnetic environment. So does all of nature.

In his book “Bees,” Rudolf Steiner explains, “The bees feel, if I may use this expression, a person’s effluvia, exhalations, vapors, or perspiration. They know what makes up a specific human being.”

So do dogs.

We don’t.

He is describing an energetic field that sends and receives information from the environment, and functions as a part of the intuitional body.

Artificial frequencies are penetrating not only the skin, but also the autonomic nervous system, the endocrine system, the voltage -gated calcium channels in the cell walls, the nerves, the blood, the sleep-awake cycle, and the blood brain barrier, overriding nature’s ingenious design to protect the brain itself.

Proof of Red Blood Cell Damage from Smart Meters – Take Back Your Power Sneak Peak… years before health issues attributed to covid emerged

The measurable electromagnetic field that surrounds the body, and the aura, are missing in the description of layers that form part of the body’s defense against harmful influences.

If wireless exposures are altering the functionality of these protective barriers, this is unnatural biological stress on the energetic immune system.

In a polluted environment, rather than serving as a receiver for beneficial incoming frequencies that sustain life on earth, the body’s energetic intelligence shifts to defense. Many consumers are radiating frequencies that can be harmful to others, in the same way that smokers caused second-hand smoke harm, and no one questioned it. And like smokers, device users are addicted.

(Many are also losing access to skills including navigation, critical thinking, postural integrity, cardiovascular health, balanced blood sugar, and conscious communication, including the ability to engage respectfully in difficult conversations towards conflict resolution.)

The ‘First, Second, and Third Layer’ of Skin, Clothing and Housing is Permeated by and Becoming a Part of a Cloud of Bio-active Surveillance Apparatus Doubling as Addictive Design, with the New Target of the “Internet of Bodies.”

Individuals walking around with a smart watch, cell phone, or earbuds or driving a connected truck are unknowingly contributing to the invisible, but bio active cloud, and potentially adversely impacting their own health in a culture not sensitized to overcharge (and the downward cascades of adrenal issues, fertility challenges, and loss of healthy immune function, as well as brain damage and premature death due to dementia and neurological disease.)

Health care and protection of nature is lagging decades behind tech innovation.

We have not included human health and the environment into the equations for telecommunications regulation, by law, since 1996, because applying precaution was and is still viewed as an obstacle to innovation, economic growth, and militarized objectives.


Another Polluting Cloud with Second-Hand Exposures and Impacts: The Infrastructure

The infrastructure to support consumer, surveillance, and military technologies (and addiction) has now extended from the bottom of the ocean to mountain tops to space, creating a Pig-Pen-like cloud of debris, trash, and junk now encircling Earth.

Image Courtesy Flo Freshman, No Tow Trucks, No Trash Pick-up in Space

Like Pig-Pen, where is the point of no-return?

They Paved Paradise?

Safe housing in a healthy electromagnetic environment on a healthy planet is a human right and right of nature.

Transcendent health is sourced in a purified relationship with the rhythms within the Cosmic Current. We alchemize with the frequencies of the angle of the sun’s rays as they interact with the electromagnetic properties of the moon over the course of the day and night, month, year, and longer cycles.

These sciences have informed the East for thousands of years. as well as parts of Europe (biodynamic farming).

Until the FCC addresses the court remand regarding RF exposure levels, all new wireless infrastructure projects should be halted.

The FCC guidelines, which are not standards and have never been tested (biologically), are not science.

Communities have the right to inquire about the relevance of the safety “science” regarding smart meters, electric fields, magnetic fields, radio frequency radiation, and power quality that applies to mandated housing construction (and so-called energy efficiency), densified housing, and to all housing development.

And they have the right to know what type of expertise has been referenced to justify implications about safety.

Communities have the right to advocate for all 25 of the principles of Building Biology for new construction, for all who live there, because we know better than to keep building lower-income housing along active train tracks with trains that whistle in the middle of the night (Sherborn Senior Housing?) or to build along powerline corridors, or to place cell antennas on low-income and disabled housing units (Lenox?).

25 Principles of Building Biology – buildingbiology.com

The list includes Healthy Indoor Air: Supply sufficient fresh air and reduce air pollutants and irritants, Avoid exposure to toxic molds, yeasts, and bacteria as well as dust and allergens, Use materials with a pleasant or neutral smell, Minimize exposure to electromagnetic fields and wireless radiation, Use natural, nontoxic materials with the least amount of radioactivity – Source

Massachusetts MBTA Matters

Massachusetts passed an economic development bill requiring communities to build densified housing to comply with new MBTA (mass transit) zoning, with a portion of housing within a half mile of public transportation.

”In communities with MBTA service, the multifamily zoning districts must be located less than half a mile from a subway station, commuter rail station, ferry terminal or bus station.” Source

The political discussion in MA goes something like this. “The state identified 13 grants for which communities found out of compliance will not be eligible to apply for, including road, bridge, water and sewer improvements and other local aid. In addition, noncompliant communities may be held under state and federal fair housing laws for unfairly limiting housing opportunities for protected groups, including families with children.” –Source

Investor-owned utilities in Massachusetts are also on the verge of installing wireless smart utility meters (also RI, NM, NY) (There are serious concerns about the basis of health and safety claims. The burden of proof of safety is on the industry, and not the public to prove harm.)

Again, until the FCC addresses the court remand regarding RF exposure levels, all new projects involving wireless exposures should be halted. (RFR is not the only source of juxtaposed exposures (noise, light, particulate?) but is presently actionable due to the court ruling).

Be very careful with what you take at face value.

We’ve been protecting economic growth and the military without considering health, and kidding ourselves about our “advocacy,” for long enough.

And when Massachusetts decision-makers follow the thread back far enough, they will land back at the paychecks received by the kind of scientists who told us that cigarette smoking was good for the Adams’ Apple.


Why We Need More Dirt and Less Hand Sanitizer:

Dr. Zach Bush is one of my favorite resources for information about dirt, regenerative farming, the microbiome. “His education has highlighted the need for a radical departure from chemical farming and pharmacy, and his ongoing efforts are providing a path for consumers, farmers, and mega-industries to work together for a healthy future for people and planet.”

If You are New to the Smart Meter Issue:

Some parts of the film are outdated, but the documentary gives a good overview of early opposition and engaged activism and the real history of harm.

Building Biology Resources from the Building Biology Institute in New Mexico

Baby Monitors Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Human Response to Light Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Designing a Kitchen for Wellness Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Photovoltaic Solar Panels Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Electric Light Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Cellphones: Unsafe at Any Speed Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) for You Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Cities In Crisis Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Electromagnetic Radiation Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Smart Meters Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Ventilation Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Community Planning Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

5G Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

Electrical Home Wiring Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

EMR Safety In-house Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

EMR Safety From Outside Sources Factsheet – Building Biology Institute

The Building Biology Institute in Santa Fe, NM, describes its mission: “Creating a Global Village Of Awareness Our mission, now in its 34th year, is to help create healthy homes, schools, and workplaces free of toxic indoor air, tap-water pollutants, and hazards posed by electromagnetic radiation. We fulfill our mission by guiding both the general public and working professionals (architects, builders, engineers, interior design professionals, physicians, nurses, and other health care practitioners, real estate professionals, etc.) to an understanding of the vital and complex interrelationship between the natural and built environments, and teach them the means for merging these complementary environments into greater harmony and planetary health.”

(More Resources at Link)

Image Courtesy Flo Freshman
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