mental health

Musicians and Electromagnetic Radiation Health Risks
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Musicians and Electromagnetic Radiation Health Risks

With neurological diseases, cancer and other chronic diseases being linked to wireless radiation exposure both on and off-stage, isn’t it time consumers and professional performers were aware of the health risks that digital technology brings?

Toy soldiers

The Battlefield of Digital Addiction

By Sean Alexander Carney A dangerous shift Digital addiction is a socially transmitted “disease” of our times arising from our “subjectification” which is the process of constituting you or I as an object of knowledge by power relations acting upon us. We see widespread digital addiction from excessive internet engagement. Excessive video gaming (VG) time…

“Tin Foil Hats” Sci-Fi History, and Why the Ridicule Can End Now
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“Tin Foil Hats” Sci-Fi History, and Why the Ridicule Can End Now

By Sarah Aminoff, Kate Kheel, and Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Images Courtesy Flo Freshman Kent Chamberlin’s response to Psychology Today is anything but a “tin foil hat” rebuttal. Chamberlain critiques a blog article by Joe Pierre recently published in Psychology Today entitled “Tin Foil Hats: Tired Trope or Sign of the Times?”. The article…