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EMF/RF/ 5G: Major, Commander, and the “Secret” Service That Keeps Secrets
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EMF/RF/ 5G: Major, Commander, and the “Secret” Service That Keeps Secrets

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, in honor of Spirit the Jaguar. Images courtesy Floris Freshman  On July 26, in their “weekly guide to the latest on FOIA, transparency and accountability battles, threats and wins” MuckRock reported, “ Commander troubles: President Joe Biden’s German shepherd Commander bit seven people in a four-month period after former first dog Major was…

Welcome to Kindergarten Earth! 
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Welcome to Kindergarten Earth! 

By Tanja Katarina Rebel of Global Action to Stop 5G Facebook Group Image courtesy Floris Freshman  The adults have left the building – aka Planet – leaving it to be run by the likes of: Baby Musk – who will provide “Broadband for all” with the help of Starlink, leaking Electrosmog and raining it over us….

Rap on Tech: Ocean, sky and war, BIG sigh!
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Rap on Tech: Ocean, sky and war, BIG sigh!

Blog/Rap by Kate KheelImage courtesy of Floris Freshman Have a listen to the rap with drum accompaniment: Tech’s juggernaut: Ocean, skies, war and more TEXT: Electrify and tech-tify, come on let’s go,Electrify and tech-tify, the world a-glow. It’s green, and clean, and for the most part, unseen,Come on, let’s go, let’s build, let’s grow, and join in the…

EMF/RF/5G: Ötzi vs. SAM; Does Frozen 5300-Year-Old Man Offer More to Wireless Science Than Industry “Safety” Tests?
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EMF/RF/5G: Ötzi vs. SAM; Does Frozen 5300-Year-Old Man Offer More to Wireless Science Than Industry “Safety” Tests?

By Medusa Banana Veranda, with Ötzi and SAM and We Are Not Sam and Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Images Courtesy Flo Freshman Also subtitled: “It’s a New Century!  Let Us Now Map the Meridians! The only thing smart is your skin dancing with nature, sun, moon, light, energy! Not 5G! “ – Medusa Meet Ötzi! In…

“Tin Foil Hats” Sci-Fi History, and Why the Ridicule Can End Now
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“Tin Foil Hats” Sci-Fi History, and Why the Ridicule Can End Now

By Sarah Aminoff, Kate Kheel, and Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Images Courtesy Flo Freshman Kent Chamberlin’s response to Psychology Today is anything but a “tin foil hat” rebuttal. Chamberlain critiques a blog article by Joe Pierre recently published in Psychology Today entitled “Tin Foil Hats: Tired Trope or Sign of the Times?”. The article…

When It Comes to EMF/RF/5G, Are We All Storrowing?

When It Comes to EMF/RF/5G, Are We All Storrowing?

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International     Every September, Boston area residents watch for one inevitable sign that fall has arrived. It is not the thousands of college students returning to the city, or the popular Head of the Charles Rowing Regatta that brings throngs of spectators to the banks of the river.  And…