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Increasing Cancers in Millennials & GenX? Olympic Bruises & the Need for EMF Science Diplomacy with China & Russia
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Increasing Cancers in Millennials & GenX? Olympic Bruises & the Need for EMF Science Diplomacy with China & Russia

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, Top Image by chpgarcia from Pixabay For entertainment and informational purposes only, not to be construed as medical advice. Note: The names of the Chinese Medicine meridians are capitalized, as is customary, to differentiate the Meridians from underlying organs with the same name. “The consequences are profound if the American Cancer…

The Politics of Reporting for “Havana Syndrome”
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The Politics of Reporting for “Havana Syndrome”

With an intelligence community that has increasingly turned inward on its own nation, employing the indiscriminate use of microwaves, and with reported harm from both acute and chronic exposures to radio frequencies, and with frenzied election year political interests seeking to exploit safety and security issues, the stakes are higher than defending crickets.

Equinox Conservation: EMF/RF/5G/Wireless Choices that Harm or Harmonize?
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Equinox Conservation: EMF/RF/5G/Wireless Choices that Harm or Harmonize?

by Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Image courtesy Floris Freshman  There are two moments each year when the sunrise and sunset are twelve hours apart, when the Sun lies directly above the Earth’s equator, and neither the North or South pole point toward the Sun. Equinoxes have long been associated with contemplating the balance between polarities, including yin and yang, darkness…

Equinox Elephant in the Ecosystem: Dying Plants and Trees vs. Wireless Antennas
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Equinox Elephant in the Ecosystem: Dying Plants and Trees vs. Wireless Antennas

by Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International; Featuring the Work of German Researcher Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam by permission “Climate” and Changes in Land Use vs. Trees Trees and forests have been likened to the lungs of the planet. The UK’s Woodland Trust notes, trees “prevent flooding, reduce city temperature, reduce pollution, and keep soil nutrient-rich.” “Protecting old, established woods…

SpaceX & Mars & Explosions & Injuries:  It’s Not Just Where We’re Going, It’s How We Get There and Who Pays the Price
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SpaceX & Mars & Explosions & Injuries:  It’s Not Just Where We’re Going, It’s How We Get There and Who Pays the Price

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International  “We’ve arranged a global civilization, which… profoundly depend(s) on science and technology. We’ve also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a recipe for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power…

When Home is Where the Hurt Is:  Wireless is the New “Domestic Violence”
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When Home is Where the Hurt Is:  Wireless is the New “Domestic Violence”

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International Images courtesy Floris Freshman  October in the United States marks the observance of “National Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.” The Mayo Clinic notes, “Domestic violence — also called intimate partner violence — occurs between people in an intimate relationship. Domestic violence can take many forms, including emotional, sexual and physical abuse…

‘Smart’ Meter Update:  Late Lessons from Early Warnings, Still
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‘Smart’ Meter Update: Late Lessons from Early Warnings, Still

Currently, informed ratepayers in Rhode Island and Massachusetts are attempting to bring adequate scrutiny, accurate science, and personal narratives of health damage to the run-away train debate about ‘smart’ meters and ‘smart’ grids.

EMF/RF/ 5G: Major, Commander, and the “Secret” Service That Keeps Secrets
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EMF/RF/ 5G: Major, Commander, and the “Secret” Service That Keeps Secrets

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International, in honor of Spirit the Jaguar. Images courtesy Floris Freshman  On July 26, in their “weekly guide to the latest on FOIA, transparency and accountability battles, threats and wins” MuckRock reported, “ Commander troubles: President Joe Biden’s German shepherd Commander bit seven people in a four-month period after former first dog Major was…

Rap on Tech: Ocean, sky and war, BIG sigh!
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Rap on Tech: Ocean, sky and war, BIG sigh!

Blog/Rap by Kate KheelImage courtesy of Floris Freshman Have a listen to the rap with drum accompaniment: Tech’s juggernaut: Ocean, skies, war and more TEXT: Electrify and tech-tify, come on let’s go,Electrify and tech-tify, the world a-glow. It’s green, and clean, and for the most part, unseen,Come on, let’s go, let’s build, let’s grow, and join in the…

Technocracy’s Not So Great Week? Time to Confront the Wireless and Tech Delusional Runaway Train?
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Technocracy’s Not So Great Week? Time to Confront the Wireless and Tech Delusional Runaway Train?

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International , Image courtesy Floris Freshman We could also call this article, “Let’s just be grateful that it was only the airlines that had bad code, and not military JEDI Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure and “full-spectrum dominance’s nuclear weapons.” My friend has a golden retriever who borders on insanity at any opportunity to retrieve…

“Project Censored” List: Top 25 Most Censored News Stories of the Year
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“Project Censored” List: Top 25 Most Censored News Stories of the Year

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International About the Project Censored Top 25 List “Published each year by Seven Stories Press, featuring dispatches from the ongoing revolution in independent journalism, each book reports the year’s top-25 independent news stories, which corporate media have ignored, misrepresented, or censored; analyzes corporate “junk food” news and “news abuse;”…

EMF/RF/5G Reassessing News of Whale Beaching, Alzheimer’s Brain Plaque, and ‘Sick Leader’ Syndrome
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EMF/RF/5G Reassessing News of Whale Beaching, Alzheimer’s Brain Plaque, and ‘Sick Leader’ Syndrome

By Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International As 2022 came to an end, a select number of publications shared news that researchers discovered that whales beached off the coast of Scotland were found to have plaque in their brains associated with Alzheimer’s in humans. Chris Melore, writing for Natural Blaze’s Stranded Dolphins Show Telltale Signs Of…