World Environment Day

World Environment Day will take place this year on June 5th. In recognition of the day,Stop5G International is urging governments, environmental organizations,and all green NGOs to turn their attention to a growing ecological crisis–the rollout of 5G on Earth and in space, and the push to connect every “thing”, event, and place on the planet to the internet.

The 5G/satellite/internet of things/data/AI juggernaut entails the manufacturing, use, and disposal of thousands of satellites in space, millions of new transmitters on Earth, and trillions of IoT gadgets, devices, appliances and “things,” that together pose one of the greatest threats of all human generated environmental assaults. Though being sold to the public as a way to address climate change, the gargantuan global technology footprint is itself a major contributor to environmental devastation.

On the weekend before the Solstice,19-20th of June, people from across the world will be standing up to demand an immediate halt to 5G on Earth and in Space. Their message:“We do not consent to a few powerful technology and satellites companies dictating the future of all life on Earth.”

5G and satellites also play an integral role in the weaponization and commercial use of space and are being used to increase the lethality of war. Protestors oppose the use of trillions of dollars being poured into waging war, and are calling for the money to be spent on programs that address essential needs such as world hunger, pollution, the environment, and peace.

While opposing wireless proliferation, 5G/satellite opponents support safe wired connections for most internet and telecommunications use, reserving wireless for emergencies and essential services not possible through wires.On the Solstice itself, June 20, 21 (depending on where you live),there will be a globally synchronized Solstice Envisioning Meditation where people will initiate the process of change to a more life-affirming and balanced future.

For more information about the protest and meditation, please visit

For more information and pictures,visit the Global Action to Stop 5G Facebook Group and kindly share this short but poignant video announcement:
Contact:Tanja Katarina Rebel – Coordinator of Global Action to Stop 5G:
Kate Kheel – Coordinator of Stop 5G International:

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